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人肉カプセル Chinese pill capsule made of cadaver Newborns meats.

Chinese pill capsule made of cadaver Newborns meats are smuggled into Korea and sold in the drug market.

中国産の人肉カプセル密売 ソウルの薬剤市場と韓国誌
( Chinese pill capsule made of cadaver Newborns meats .Illicit drug market in Seoul Korea) 21/Jul/2011

죽은 아기 말리고 갈아 만든 중국산 캡슐, 보양제로 둔갑해 국내에서 팔린다
(China made ​​a dead baby is dried ground capsule, aphrodisiac sold on the domestic zero dungaphae) Aug/2011

死んだ幼児で作った中国産『人肉カプセル』 本当に韓国で流通していた
(really had been distributed in South Korea) 5/Aug/2011






and Child Trafficking Ring at Nigeria.
12/Nov/2008 AFP- ナイジェリアで横行する「赤ちゃん売買」、その背景にあるものとは
02/Jun/2011 AFP- 赤ちゃん製造工場」を摘発、少女32人を保護 ナイジェリア

推定売買数 10人/日。摘発件数 詐欺、麻薬密売に次ぐ3番目。


[追記]  21/Jul/2011 - May 08 2012 This madness has continued.

韓国、中国製「人肉カプセル」の取り締まりを強化 2012年05月08日 20:18 発信地:ソウル/韓国 AFP BBnews
【5月8日 AFP】韓国関税庁は7日、薬や強壮剤の名目で韓国に密輸されている中国産の「人肉カプセル」について、取り締まりの強化を発表した。カプセルの中身は、胎児や死産した新生児の肉を乾燥させて作った粉末だ。 韓国関税庁の発表によると前年8月以降、当局は「人肉カプセル」の密輸35件を摘発、カプセル1万7451錠を押収した。 関税庁は、倫理的な問題を指摘すると共に、カプセルが耐性のあるバクテリアや病気を引き起こす微生物などで汚染されていた例もあったとして警告している。 カプセルの多くは中国北東部の吉林(Jilin)省延辺朝鮮族自治州(Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture)の延吉(Yanji)の他、山東(Shandong)省青島Qingdao)や天津(Tianjin)市から送られていた。中には正規の医薬品のパッケージに隠して持ち込まれていた例もあったという。 韓国当局では現在、空港で「中国の一部地域」からの到着便の監視を強化し、搭乗客全員の荷物検査の回数を増やしている。これまでのところ組織犯罪が関与した例は見つかっておらず、摘発された大半は個人の旅行客で、なかには中身が何かを知らずに持ち込んだと主張する者もいた。 朝鮮日報(Chosun Ilbo)によれば、カプセルは漢方薬の薬局などで1錠4万~5万ウォン(約2800~3500円)の高値で販売されているという。(c)AFP
(via : )

South Korea cracks down on flesh capsules from China By Agence France-PresseTue, May 08 2012 at 6:45 AM EST
South Korea has intensified a crackdown on the smuggling of capsules from China containing the powdered flesh of dead babies, taken by some as a cure for disease or a way to boost sexual performance, a customs official said Tuesday.The gruesome practice came to light Sunday when Korea Customs said it had uncovered 35 attempts to import a total of 17,451 such capsules since last August.
The pills — filled with the dried and powdered flesh of fetuses or dead infants — were intercepted in the mail or in customs searches at airports.The customs service said that apart from ethical questions the capsules were contaminated with "super bacteria" and other disease-causing organisms.Most pills were sent from the northeastern Chinese cities of Yanji and Jilin as well as cities including Qingdao and Tianjin at the request of customers in South Korea, it said.
Some were hidden in packages of legitimate drugs to disguise their contents.
Officials now closely monitor flights from "certain Chinese regions" and inspect all the luggage of all passengers far ore often than before, Kim Soo-Yeon, a Korea Customs official in charge of customs clearance told AFP.Bringing in such pills breaches a regulation banning items that "violate social dignity and customs", he said.No organised attempts to smuggle in the capsules have so far been detected, Kim said, and most offenders were individual travellers. Some claimed they were unaware of what they were carrying.
"It's not just human-flesh pills. We also target other similarly banned but popular items like seal penises and bear gall bladders," said Kim, referring to items favoured by middle-aged men as libido enhancers.
"We have drastically stepped up resources in these efforts...even risking great inconvenience to visitors from these regions," he said.
Chosun Ilbo newspaper said the human-flesh capsules sell for 40,000-50,000 won ($35-44) each at some oriental herbal medicine shops.Experts say the practice stems from a superstitious belief that eating body parts of young infants will give one special physical strength or cure disease.
"It is a bizarre...practice, just like a belief that eating the penis of actively-mating seals or drinking the bile of strong bears will help your libido," Ha Ji-Hyun, a psychiatrist at Konkuk University medical centre, told Chosun.
Maeil Business Newspaper urged the Chinese government Tuesday to crack down on producers of the human-flesh capsules and impose heavy punishments, calling the practice "truly shocking."
(via : )

China&S-korea is so crazy...

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